Organizing Files and Folders
Moving Tracks Manually
Tracks can easily moved from one folder to another:
- First select any group of Tracks in the
Track list of the MediaMonkey Explorer.
- Drag and Drop the selected songs into another folder
contained within the Locations or My
Computer node. Alternatively,
right-click and use the Send-to Folder
All of the songs will be moved from their original location to the new
location, and the Library will be updated.
Changing Filenames Manually
Tracks can easily be renamed by clicking
the Filename or Path column for any Track in the Track list, and then changing the filename.
Alternatively, Tracks can be renamed from within the Info tab of the Properties dialog.
Auto-Organize Files
Tracks can also be automatically organized into a directory structure
and filename format of your choice. This is done via the Auto-Organize
Files function, which uses existing Track properties to move and rename
files according to a specified format. For instance, you could organize all
of your Tracks in the following format: C:/Music/<Artist>/<Album>
- <Title>.xxx . To do this:
- Select the Tracks that you wish to reorganize/rename, and click Tools
> Auto-Organize Files.
- Choose the Directory, directory format, and filename format to be used for
the Tracks. For example to achieve the format of. C:/My Music/U2/The Joshua
Tree/U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name.mp3:
-Choose a specific destination directory of C:\My Music\ using the directory
browser button on the right
-Choose the subdirectories of '\<Artist>\<Album>\' to move Tracks
to the \U2\The Joshua Tree\ path
-Choose the filename of '<Artist> - <Title>' to rename the filename
to U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name
Yielding a Destination format of: 'C:\My Music\<Artist>\<Album>\<Artist>
- <Title>'
Advanced Masks:
- To change the format within the existing directory, use '.\' (e.g. in the
example above, '.\<Artist>\<Album>\<Artist> - <Title>'
would re-organize selected Tracks within their current directories instead
of moving them all to C:\My Music\
- To force a particular text field to a specific length, use <Field:n>
. e.g. for 'Abba', \<Artist:2>\ yields '\AB\' (if n > # characters
in the Field then the field is padded with spaces; if n>0 then the string
is right aligned, if n<0 then the string is left aligned)
- To force a particular numeric field to a specific length, use <Field:n>
e.g. for '2004', <Year:2> yields '04' ((if n > # digits in the Field
then the field is padded with zeros; if n>0 then the string is right aligned,
if n<0 then the string is left aligned)
- To use masks conditionally, depending on whether or not a field is empty,
use '$if(field isn't empty,use this,else use this)'. Make sure to precede
all control characters such as [')', ',', ...] with '$'. Some examples:
--- D:\My Music\$If(<Artist>,<Artist:1>,None)\<Artist>$If(<Album>,
- <Album>\,)<Title>
--- \$If(<Artist>,<Artist> - ,)$If(<Album>,<Album>
- ,)$If(<Track#>,<Track#> ,)<Title>
- To use masks conditionally depending on whether or not 2 fields or a field
and a string are equal, use '=' . An example of how this can be useful is
in the case of an Album Artist differing from the Artist in which case both
should appear in the path:
--- \<Album Artist> - <Album>\<Track#> $If(<Artist>=<Album
Artist>,,<Artist> - )<Title>
- Note that spaces automatically disappear in case they are in the begining
or end of a filename regardless of the mask used.
- A list will be generated showing the current directories/filenames
and the new directories/filenames (changes are highlighted in yellow). If
any of the new directories/filenames are incorrect, edit them as
needed by clicking the path and editing it, or uncheck them.
- Click Ok to commit the changes to all the checked